Creativity is perpetually enigmatic, even in its simplest form. It is a paradoxical space, where one is both eternally lost and entirely found all at once.

I am only ever found when I can be creative. And Fond is my creative outlet; a visually-rich catharsis, that has manifested in a melange of forms over the last 20 years of my professional career.

Whether crafting images, words, or digital mediums, I embrace the fundamental interconnectivity of communication design in all its forms.

I embrace, wholeheartedly, creativity.

Stuart French is based in Hobart, Tasmania, and commissioned worldwide. Also a multi-platinum author, Stu’s eclectic creative pursuits even reach into the field of digital transformation, where he has spent over 15 years as a C-level executive, forging digital experiences with communicsation and clarity at their core.